Color, material and finish (CMF) shape the “look and feel” of a product. These design features decisively determine perception, feel and visual impression. A consistent application creates a consistent look and promotes brand recognition. At the same time, however, CMF also influences factors such as technical requirements, production processes, costs and the market success of the product.
A sophisticated CMF must be integrated into the development process at an early stage to avoid risks such as low market acceptance, production problems and unsuccessful positioning. Otherwise, products may be lost in the saturated market, customers may have difficulty distinguishing between different offers, or the target group may not even be reached in the first place.
These challenges can result in additional development costs, longer development times, and higher marketing expenses.
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Die Farbe ist das intuitivste und emotionalste Element im Erscheinungsbild von Produkten und ein entscheidender Faktor bei der Kaufentscheidung. Sie kann als Kommunikationsmittel gezielt die Aufmerksamkeit auf Produktmerkmale lenken und die User Experience dadurch optimieren. Ein Beispiel dafür ist das Color Coding eines Karabiners, bei dem ein farblicher Akzent Nutzer:innen deutlich zeigt: Hier wird der Karabiner geöffnet.
Die gezielte Auswahl und Kombination von Farben schafft und stärkt die Markenidentität und kann bestimmten Produktkategorien oder Zielgruppen zugeordnet werden. Color Matching ist ein entscheidender Prozess für präzise Farbabstimmungen und harmonische visuelle Wirkung auf verschiedenen Materialien und Oberflächen.
The material determines properties such as weight, durability, flexibility and texture and influences production processes and costs, depending on the manufacturing technique.
The use of sustainable materials and production methods can be a decisive factor when making a purchase decision, as products with CMF design that reflects these values are often preferred by environmentally conscious consumers
The finish, from matte to glossy, from smooth to textured, shapes the tactile experience and influences color perception and durability. Perceived quality can be increased through various material combinations and surface finishes. The variety of surface designs also contributes to functionality. Using binoculars for bird watching, it is possible to see how grippy its textured surface is and what effect its functional pattern has.
Typography and graphic elements can be reinforced with various surfaces, such as high gloss. On the water bottle, they provide information about the material and filling capacity.
With CMF, products can be flexibly adapted to current trends and limited editions and co-brandings can be implemented. CMF also plays a decisive role in the pricing strategy by offering high-quality products at higher prices. Innovative solutions can also lead to more efficient product development, save costs, or promote sustainable practices and processes.
Ultimately, all of these factors are decisive for market success. The strategic application of CMF enables companies to stand out in industries with similar products, where aesthetic differentiation is crucial. This is because CMF determines the first impression of a product and can therefore arouse immediate interest and increase the probability of a purchase. CMF is therefore essential in early product development.